Mind the Heavenly Treasure

Thoughts for each day from the Scriptures and the eight volumes of the writings of George Fox

Seventh Month 1, 2024.

Believe in the Light
         While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be children of light.         
         (John 12:36)

  He saith, "Believe in the light;" which was a blessed doctrine of the heavenly man; for you believing in the light, you believe in that which makes manifest all things, all fruits, all creatures, all religions, and worship; for the light was before they all were, and will be when they are all gone.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 2, 2024.

The Royal Family
         And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his father.         
         (Revelation 1:6)

  And so herein you come to be of the royal family, above all the families of the earth, above all the households of the earth, a household of God, the workmanship of God, the planting of God, the building of God, the household of faith; which are titles higher than all the titles among men in the world.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 3, 2024.

Out of Him Is All Weariness
         Ye shall find rest unto your souls.         
         (Matthew 11:29)

  I say, in Christ sit down, in Him who was before the world was, for out of Him is all wearisomeness, but in Him ye have rest.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 4, 2024.

He Keeps Your Head Up
         But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.         
         (Psalm 3:3)

  All dear Friends every where, who have no helper but the Lord, who is your strength and your life, let your cries and prayers be to Him, from whom all your help and strength comes; who with His eternal power, hath kept up your heads above all waves and storms.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 5, 2024.

Let Kindness and Love Abound
         Not as though I wrote a new commandment unto thee, but that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another.         
         (II John 5)

  See that virtue flow, and that all your words be gracious, and see that love flows, which bears all things, that kindness, tenderness, and gentleness may be among you, and that the fruits of the good Spirit may abound; for nothing that is unclean must enter into God's kingdom.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 6, 2024.

Keep Up the Testimony of Jesus
         For ye know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus.         
         (I Thessalonians 4:2)

  And so this is a warning and a charge to you all, in the presence of the living God, that you keep up the testimony of Jesus, against all that which is contrary to Jesus, the heavenly man, that your fruits may appear to His glory, and your works to His praise.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 7, 2024.

Now Is the Time
         Earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.         
         (Jude 3)

  And see that every one's affections be set on things above, and not upon things below, that be earthly; for now is the time to contend for the faith, that gives victory, which was once delivered to the saints, in which you have unity.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 8, 2024.

Receive Him In His Offices
         Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace alway: by all means.         
         (II Thessalonians 3:16)

  And so the God of power preserve you all, and keep you in His blessed seed, to wit, Christ Jesus, that none of you may be without a minister, without a priest, or without a prophet, or without a shepherd, or without a Bishop, but let every one receive Him in His offices.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 9, 2024.

To Feed You With Life
         And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins.         
         (Ephesians 2:1)

  He is your Shepherd, your Bishop, your priest, in the midst of you, to open to you, and to sanctify you, and to feed you with life, and to quicken you with life; wait in his power and light...
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 10, 2024.

The Rock of Ages
         He is the Rock, his work is perfect.         
         (Deuteronomy 32:4)

  He is the Rock of Ages, yea of the ages of the prophets, and of the ages of His apostles, and of the ages of His people now, and martyrs, who kept them above the raging of the seas, and doth now; which rock the wise men build upon, the rock that stands against all the storms and tempestuous weather.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 11, 2024.

More Than If the World was Your Portion
         The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance.         
         (Psalm 16:5)

  That you may be...heirs of life, and inherit that, and that will be more to you, than if all the world was your portion; and the riches you lay up there, will stand by, and be with you when time is gone, and shall be no more.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 12, 2024.

Does Your Mind Stand With Him?
         God left him, to try him, that he might know all that was in his heart.         
         (II Chronicles 32:31)

  For they that suffer with Christ shall reign with Him; for the Lord may try you, (who hath blessed you with outward things), whether your minds do stand with Him, or in the outward things.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 13, 2024.

This Is Christ
         To make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness.         
         (Daniel 9:24)

  This is Christ, the second Adam, which brings the sons and daughters of Adam into reconciliation with God again, and destroys sin, and finishes it, and makes reconciliation for sin and iniquity.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 14, 2024.

Walk As Becomes the Glorious Order
         That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing.         
         (Colossians 1:10)

  Walk as becomes the glorious order of the Gospel, having the water of life in your cisterns, and the bread of life in your tabernacles, and fruits on your trees, to the praise of God.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 15, 2024.

Come Into Obedience
         He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.         
         (I John 2:6)

  Now the practical part is called for. People must not be always talking and hearing, but they must come into obedience to the great power of the great God of heaven and earth.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 16, 2024.

Out of the Kingdom Is Strife
         And the disciples were filled with joy, and with the Holy Ghost.         
         (Acts 13:52)

  Keep in the power of the Lord; for if you lose that, you lose the kingdom which stands in power, and peace, and righteousness, and joy in the Holy Ghost; for out of the kingdom is strife, and no peace.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 17, 2024.

That Will Keep You Over All
         In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.         
         (John 16:33)

  And live in the peace that passeth knowledge and understanding; and in this troublesome time of wars and strife, mind the power of God, and His kingdom that standeth in righteousness, and joy in the Holy Ghost, that is over all, and never will have an end; and that will keep you over all these times of trouble, fresh in the life and power.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 18, 2024.

A Sense of the Things of God's Kingdom
         Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness.         
         (Proverbs 8:18)

  For the power of the Lord God keeps you fresh, keeps you open, and keeps you alive, and keeps you in a sense of the things of his kingdom, the treasures, the pearls, and riches, and jewels thereof.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 19, 2024.

Follow Christ and His Counsel
         Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord.         
         (Hosea 6:3)

  ....that you may feel Him in the midst of you, exercising his offices; as He is a Prophet, which God has raised up to open to you; and He is a Shepherd, who has laid down his life for you, to feed you, so hear his voice; and as He is a Counsellor, and a Commander, follow Him and his counsel; and also as He is a Bishop to oversee you, with his heavenly Power and Spirit; and as He is a Priest, who offered up Himself for you, who is made higher than the heavens...who sanctifies his people, his church, and presents them to God without blemish, spot, or wrinkle; so, I say, know him in all his offices exercising them amongst you, and in you.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 20, 2024.

Ye Will Spring Upward
         And the remnant...shall yet again take root downward, and bear fruit upward.         
         (II Kings 19:30)

  Do not grow barren, but in the root abiding, ye will spring upward, and bring forth much fruit in this life, and in the life to come inherit life eternal; and so your lives being hid with Christ in God, you will be made conformable to His image.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 21, 2024.

Do Not Sell Truth For Dross
         Buy the truth, and sell it not.         
         (Proverbs 23:23)

  My dear friends, who feel the precious truth of God, by which you are made God's free men and women, and have bought the Truth, do not sell it for dross or dung, but be valiant for the Truth upon the earth.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 22, 2024.

Heavenly Goods and Riches
         Take, my brethren, the prophets...for an example of suffering affliction.         
         (James 5:10)

  And likewise consider all the prophets of God to Enoch, how their faithfulness is made manifest; by spoiling of their earthly goods and riches, but never of the heavenly goods and riches; for there the thief and spoiler could not come.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 23, 2024.

Windows Toward the Heavenly Jerusalem
         His windows being open...toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed.         
         (Daniel 6:10)

  And as Daniel's windows were opened towards outward Jerusalem, in the time of the informers, when he prayed to his God, as he did before in the time when they were not. And therefore should not all your windows and doors be open towards heavenly Jerusalem...that God may come in and help you.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 24, 2024.

I Left You to Him
         And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace.         
         (Acts 20:32)

  And you have known the manner of my life, the best part of thirty years, since I went forth, and forsook all things; I sought not myself, I sought you and His glory that sent me; and when I turned you to Him, that is able to save you, I left you to Him. (Written in the time of his sickness in Worcester prison, 1674)
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 25, 2024.

The Government of Christ Jesus
         Ye...are...able also to admonish one another.         
         (Romans 15:14)

  So they that would not have people to be admonished, that go under the name of truth, and yet go into sin and wickedness, those are out of the gospel order, and government of Christ Jesus...
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 26, 2024.

God Loveth the Righteous
         The Lord loveth the righteous.         
         (Psalm 146:8)

  And all walk in the righteousness of Christ the Lord, over your own righteousness, and do, and act, and speak in His righteousness; then you act, and do, and speak, and walk in that, in which you have peace, and then God with delight in you, and you will be loved of Him, for He loveth the righteous.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 27, 2024.

Patience Hath the crown
         ...when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life.         
         (James 1:12)

  Let all things be done in love, and in the spirit of Christ, which is the spirit of the lamb, that must have the victory; for patience runneth the race, and hath the crown.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 28, 2024.

Obey the Truth
         Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit.         
         (I Peter 1:22)

  Though you may be convinced of the truth; but they are happy that do obey the truth of what they are convinced; and if they do not, they will lose the days of their innocency and simplicity.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 29, 2024.

New Way, New Life
         Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest of the blood of Jesus, By a new and living way.         
         (Hebrews 10:1920)

  Let this new way, new covenant, new men, new leaven, new wine, show forth its fruits in the new life, from the new man.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 30, 2024.

True Prayer Reaches the Invisible God
         The Spirit...maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.         
         (Romans 8:27)

  And concerning praying in the Spirit; which Spirit maketh intercession to God, with signs and groans that cannot be uttered? Now where this spirit is prayed in, (which all true prayer is to be in,) it makes intercession through the veils, through the clouds and thick darkness, by the invisible power, to the invisible God.
  (George Fox)

Seventh Month 31, 2024.

Grow Up In Christ
         But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him.         
         (Ephesians 4:15)

  All that are sensible of the power of God, and have received it, which is immortal and everlasting, live in it, and grow up in it; for the power of God is over the power of the devil; which power of God is the gospel, and is called the cross of Christ.
  (George Fox)

Compiled by Gary Bowell

Copyright 1989 by Gary Bowell

All Rights Reserved