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Marlborough Meeting of Friends
Burial Grounds Policy

Approved by Marlborough Meeting in business session 5/21/2023

Interment at the Marlborough Friends Meeting Burial Grounds is intended for active members of the Meeting. Nonmembers may not be interred without specific review and approval. All interments must follow the Meeting Discipline. Toward these ends, the Meeting has established a Burial Grounds Committee to approve and oversee all interments as well as general administrative operation of the Burial Grounds.  

Burial Ground Discipline

Graves should be marked by plain low stones, giving only the name of the deceased and appropriate dates. Following the longstanding tradition of Friends, dates may only be represented in numerical form and epitaphs are not permitted.

The contents and design of any stone must be submitted to the Burial Ground Committee for approval before any engraving occurs. The form or content of any existing stone in Marlborough’s burial ground cannot be taken as a guide for the design of future stones and will not be used by the Burial Ground Committee in their approval process.

Both cremation urns and caskets require vaults. Opening and closing of graves will be managed by the Burial Grounds Committee. Placement of stones and their foundations may be done by reputable monument companies, but under close communication with and oversight by the Burial Grounds Committee. Each site will accommodate not more than one casket or not more than two ashes burials.

The Marlborough burial grounds contain a number of unmarked graves from a time when Friends were not comfortable with erecting memorials over the deceased. Marlborough honors the wishes of these Friends and will not permit stones to be placed on these gravesites..


The following fee structure shall be followed for interments and can change without notice. The fees for nonmembers should not be construed as suggesting that interment of nonmembers is routine. Fees for active members can be waived by the Burial Grounds Committee or the Meeting in business session.

* A notice of three business days is required to prepare a burial site. Fee for burials doubles on weekends or holidays. Fees for burials required in difficult weather and ground conditions may be adjusted.