
The very important subject of education of our youth in piety and virtue, as well as in intellectual pursuits, has engaged the attention of the Yearly Meeting throughout its history. Friends believe in the sacramental quality of the whole of life. All life should be an education; all education should have religious significance. The deepest aim of Quaker education should be to cultivate an attentive ear and a habit of quick response to the Divine leading within each individual.

We are concerned to encourage the schools which our children attend to maintain a high standard of moral character and Christian principles as well as academic excellence.

Schools under the care of the Yearly Meeting have an opportunity to include in their curricula some instruction in Quaker beliefs and principles, as well as to create a wholesome and Christian atmosphere in which our youth may grow. Teachers should be employed who are concerned not only to follow Christian ideals, but who can also instill in the pupils a desire to be guided by the Light of Christ in all phases of life.

Many of our Meetings will want to foster First-day Schools with teachers and leaders who serve voluntarily. The basic aim of these classes is to give each individual spiritual nourishment, and to lead him in a growing knowledge of the Bible. Although we must be watchful to provide religious training in our homes, schools and First-day Schools, we must ever keep in mind that attendance at Meetings where Friends come close to God and to each other is an essential part of religious training.

Conditions all over the world are changing constantly and create problems which need our prayerful consideration. Conferences, forums, and discussion groups are sometimes helpful in appraising these problems. It is important that we understand them in their relation to the will of God for us.
