Mind the Heavenly Treasure

Thoughts for each day from the Scriptures and the eight volumes of the writings of George Fox

Sixth Month 1, 2024.

That Glory May Dwell In Your Temple
         Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost.         
         (I Corinthians 6:19)

  And so, the outward Jews' priests had chambers in the temple, which priests, chambers, and temple, Christ hath ended, so let Christ Jesus now have a chamber in your temple, to sanctify your temple, and cleanse your temple, that the glory of the Lord may fill your temple.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 2, 2024.

But By Christ
         I am the door.         
         (John 10:9)

  No one comes out of darkness, but by Christ, the light; no one comes out of death, and from under the prince of death, the power of it, but by Christ, the life. So he is the way to God. No one comes out of unrighteousness, but by Christ the righteous; no one comes out of the wisdom below, but by Christ, who is the wisdom of God, which is from above. And no one comes out of error and evil, but by Christ, the truth. So He is the door, and the way to God Almighty.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 3, 2024.

The Spirit of Grace and Supplications
         And I will pour upon the house of David...the Spirit of grace and of supplications.         
         (Zechariah 12:10)

  And every one must come to the Spirit of God in themselves, and to the light, and to the faith that purifies his heart, and to the spirit of grace and supplication; and by this his mind is to be turned towards Christ, who prays to God, and asks in the name of Jesus, and in the power, and light, and spirit of Christ.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 4, 2024.

So Doth the Heavenly Father
         I drew them with cords of a man, with bands of love.         
         (Hosea 11:4)

  No man after he hath beaten his child, hateth him ever afterwards, but loveth him, if he repent and amend; so doth the eternal Father. And if a child be fallen down into the dirt, he doth not go and tumble him more into the dirt or into the ditch and there let him lie in the dirt and ditch, but takes him out and washes him; and so doth the heavenly Father, who leads his children by his hand, and dandles them upon his knee. And so, all that be called fathers in the truth, or mothers, their tenderness should be the same to all little children in the truth.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 5, 2024.

Overcoming This Side of the Grave
         That we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world.         
         (Titus 2:12)

  And if there be no overcoming on this side of the grave, as the world's preachers, made of men, say, then there is no true believing on this side of the grave; and therefore the world is not overcome in them: For this belief is greater than he that is of the world, which overcomes him that would defile; for this belief is Christ, which passes from death to life, it takes away the root of sin and iniquity.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 6, 2024.

Walk In It As Well As Talk Of It
         That ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory.         
         (I Thessalonians 2:12)

  And to query and search out all such, as live not as becomes the truth of the gospel, and yet do profess it, so that they all may walk in it, as well as talk of it; for none hath the heavenly comfort of it, but who do walk in it. For all the talkers of Christ and His gospel, that do not walk in him, dishonor Him.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 7, 2024.

See That Restitution Be Made
         And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offense toward God, and toward men.         
         (Acts 24:16)

  And...see that restitution be made by every one that hath done wrong to any. And that all differences be made up speedily, that they do not fly abroad to corrupt people's minds. And...live all in the power of the Lord God.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 8, 2024.

And So All May Minister
         If any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth.         
         (I Peter 4:11)

  And so all who feel the power stirring in them to minister, when they have done, let them live in the Power, and in the Truth and in the Grace, that keeps in the seasoned words, and that keeps in a stablished and seasoned life: And so all may minister as they have received the grace.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 9, 2024.

Now Is the Time For You to Stand
         Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand.         
         (Ephesians 6:11)

  Now is the time for you to stand; therefore put on the whole armour of God, from the crown of the head unto the soles of your feet, that you may stand in the possession of life.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 10, 2024.

Mind the Heavenly Treasure
         Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.         
         (Colossians 3:2)

  And let your minds be kept above all visible things; for God took care for man in the beginning, and set him above the work of his hands: and therefore mind the heavenly Treasure, that will never fade away.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 11, 2024.

Yet You Have Your Keeper
         He kept him as the apple of his eye.         
         (Deuteronomy 32:10)

  All you that are believers in the light of Christ, which manifesteth darkness, ye are kept by the power of God unto the day of salvation. So though your salvation is not yet completed, yet you have your keeper, the power of God, which neither slumbers nor sleeps, and it will keep you unto that day.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 12, 2024.

You May Have the Song of Salvation
         Sing, O daughter of Zion; shout, O Israel; be glad and rejoice with all the heart.         
         (Zephaniah 3:14)

  And so by the same power of God, which is your Keeper, you may come to the day of salvation; you may have the song of salvation, and joy of salvation, and comfort of salvation, and the possession of salvation, and be heirs of the same.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 13, 2024.

Cleansed From All Dead Works
         How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God.         
         (Hebrews 9:14)

  As Moses sprinkled the outside of the posts...with blood... So this blood of Jesus Christ, the heavenly man, is felt in the hearts and consciences of people; by which blood they are sanctified, they are cleansed from all their dead works, to serve the living God.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 14, 2024.

Lost in the Sea of This World
         For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.         
         (Luke 19:10)

  Seek that which was lost and driven away. Some may be driven away by the storms, some may be driven away by the great winds of the wicked, and the storms of the ungodly; some may be driven away by tempests and foul weather, and lost in the sea of this world... Therefore seek that which is lost...
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 15, 2024.

Brought Again to Father's House
         But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him.         
         (Luke 15:22)

  Therefore when the lost is found, and brought back again to the Father's house, where there is bread enough, there is joy, and the heavenly instruments of music, and the heavenly feast of heavenly fat things, and the heavenly robes of righteousness are enjoyed.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 16, 2024.

Mind the Truth in the Inward Parts
         Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts.         
         (Psalm 51:60)

  Mind the kingdom within, and the heavenly penny, and the spirit of God, which is given to instruct you; and walk according to the rule of the Spirit of God, that He hath given you to profit withal; and mind the truth in the inward parts; so that you may be adorned and arrayed with a meek and quiet spirit.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 17, 2024.

Keep to the Equal Measure
         But thou shalt have a perfect and just weight.         
         (Deuteronomy 25:15)

  Keep to the equal measure and just weight in all things, both inwardly and outwardly, that you may answer equity, answer truth in the oppressed, and the spirit, and grace, and light in all people. And so, being kept in righteousness, and equity, and truth, and holiness, that preserves you over the inequality, injustice, and the false measure, and weight, and balance in all things, both inward and outward.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 18, 2024.

The Everlasting Treasure
         And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny.         
         (Matthew 20:9)

  It is the laborers in the life, truth, and power of God, that labors in God's vineyard, that have their heavenly penny, that everlasting treasure.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 19, 2024.

His Gathered Flock
         Tell me, O thou whom my soul loveth, where thou feedest, where thou makest thy flock to rest at noon.         
         (Song of Solomon 1:7)

  And we are come to the fold of eternal rest, where Christ Jesus is the chief Shepherd, and He is the Shepherd and bishop of our souls, that feedeth his flock with living bread that nourisheth us unto life eternal. He hath called us by His name, and put us forth, and He feedeth us in green pastures, and we are fed with hidden manna, and lie down at noon with His gathered flock.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 20, 2024.

None Shall Make Them Afraid
         The Lord his God is with him, and the shout of a King is among them.         
         (Numbers 23:21)

  The Lord is with us, a mighty, and a terrible one, and the shout of a king is amongst us, and the dread of the Almighty covereth us, and it goeth before us, and compasseth us about;... He is gathering the scattered, and binding up the broken hearted, and his people shall dwell in safety, and none shall make them afraid.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 21, 2024.

Prophets Saw the Day of Christ
         Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently.         
         (I Peter 1:10)

  And Enoch and Abraham saw the day of Christ, and David saw the betrayer... And Isaiah saw the suffering of Christ, and how God laid the iniquity upon him. And Isaiah saw his name, and how his soul was made an offering for sin. And Daniel said, the Messiah should be cut off, but not for Himself, which the apostles witnessed fulfilled.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 22, 2024.

The Power of God Is One
         Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.         
         (Habakkuk 3:18)

  The power of God is one, which threw down Paul, shook Habakkuk, and Moses, and David, whereby these all came to know Christ; which power, who cometh into it, and the infiniteness of it, which raiseth up the seed, which is Christ, whereby the salvation is known, and wrought out with fear and trembling.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 23, 2024.

The Light Was Before Anything
         That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.         
         (John 1:9)

  The light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened with, is not natural. For the Light was before anything was made, and all things that were made, were made by it; which lighteth every man that cometh into the world...Christ, the second Adam, the way to the Father before the world began: to restore that which the first lost.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 24, 2024.

Sin Is That which Does Not Humble
         For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.         
         (Luke 14:11)

  Sin is that which does not humble, but lifts up. That which humbles people, and brings down the sin, is the humility which bears the sin and iniquity, which is Christ.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 25, 2024.

The Spirit Was the Rule of Their Lives
         Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.         
         (Romans 8:9)

  Adam, Abel, Enoch, Abraham, and the holy men of God, had a rule for their lives before the scripture was written; the Spirit was the rule of their lives, that led saints to speak forth scripture. And they that had the scripture, and not the spirit of Christ, are none of his.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 26, 2024.

The Glorious Gospel, A Mercy to All
         The light of the glorious gospel of Christ.         
         (II Corinthians 4:4)

  The good tidings, the glorious gospel, is in itself a mercy to all; but only a mercy in manifestation and operation to them that receive it.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 27, 2024.

The Pastures of Life
         I will feed them in a good pasture.         
         (Ezekiel 34:14

  Christ...is their Shepherd, to feed them with life, and with the springs of life, and is the Bishop of their souls, that doth oversee them, that they do not go out of the pastures of life, and from the springs of life, nor from the fold of life.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 28, 2024.

A Glorious Pasture
         There they lie in a good fold.         
         (Ezekiel 34:14)

  It is a glorious pasture, to be fed atop of all the mountains, in the life, in the pastures of life, by the living Shepherd, and to be overseen by the living Bishop, and to be sanctified, and to be presented to God by the living Priest, and to be counselled by the living Counsellor to an everlasting inheritance.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 29, 2024.

Tender Care of His Sheep
         He calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.         
         (John 10:3)

  So the Lord hath a tender care of his sheep, his people, that the angel of His presence should be with them in all their trials. And therefore let your minds be out of all outward things, and visible, and fear not the fleece, for it will grow again, and if the Lord should try you now, with the spoil of outward things after He hath blessed you with them, to see whether your minds be with them, or with Him.
  (George Fox)

Sixth Month 30, 2024.

Keep In the Faith
         But without faith it is impossible to please him.         
         (Hebrews 11:6)

  But by grace through faith the just were saved, by faith they had victory, and by faith they pleased God; and therefore keep in the faith, and you will have the water of life, and the bread of life, from above.
  (George Fox)

Compiled by Gary Bowell

Copyright 1989 by Gary Bowell

All Rights Reserved