Mind the Heavenly Treasure

Thoughts for each day from the Scriptures and the eight volumes of the writings of George Fox

Second Month 1, 2024.

Sit Under His Shadow
         The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him.         
         (Ps. 25:14)

  Therefore, all keep low in his fear, that thereby ye may receive the secrets of God and his wisdom, may know the shadow of the Almighty, and sit under it in all tempests, storms, and heat.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 2, 2024.

Triumph, Even Under Sufferings
         All things work together for good to them that love God.         
         (Rom. 8:28)

  ...ye will see all things work together for good to them that love God. In that triumph, when sufferings come, whatever they be. Your faith, your shield, your helmet, your armour, you have on.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 3, 2024.

A Pure Stream of Righteousness
         Let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.         
         (Amos 5:24)

  True religion is the true rule and right way of serving God. And religion is a pure stream of righteousness flowing from the image of God, and is the life and power of God planted in the heart and mind by the law of life.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 4, 2024.

You Can Stand Safe
         He is the Rock.         
         (Deut. 32:4)

  He is your rock in all floods and waves, upon which you can stand safe, with a cheerful countenance, beholding the Lord God of the whole earth on your side.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 5, 2024.

Who Is Your Master?
         Choose you this day whom ye will serve.         
         (Josh. 24:15)

  Now is the day that every one's faith and love to God and Christ will be tried; and who are redeemed out of the earth, and who are in the earth will be manifested, and who is the master they serve.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 6, 2024.

His Power Is Over All
         In all these things we are more than conquerors.         
         (Rom. 8:37)

  If the Lord suffer you to be tried, let all be given up; look at the Lord and his power, which is over the whole world, and will remain when the world is gone. In the Lord's power and truth rejoice....over that which makes to suffer.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 7, 2024.

The Truth Is Without Time
         We went through fire and through water; but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place.         
         (Ps. 66:12)

  Though the waves and storms be high, yet your faith will keep you, so as to swim above them; for they are but for a time, and the truth is without time. Therefore, keep on the mountain of holiness, ye who are led to it by the light...be faithful, and live in that which doth not think the time long.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 8, 2024.

May Mercy and Righteousness Flourish
         Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.         
         (Ps. 85:10)

  I was moved to pray.....O Lord God Almighty! prosper truth, and preserve justice and equity in the land! And bring down all injustice, inequity, oppression, falsehood, cruelty, and unmercifulness in the land, that mercy and righteousness may flourish.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 9, 2024.

Keep in This Blessed Seed
         And they glorified God in me.         
         (Galatians 1:24)

  Keep in this blessed Seed, where all may be kept in temperance, in patience, in love, in meekness, in righteousness and holiness, and in peace; in which the Lord may be seen amongst you, and no way dishonored, but glorified by you all.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 10, 2024.

Be Tender of God's Glory
         And I will sanctify my great name.         
         (Ezekiel 36:23)

  Be tender of God's glory, of his honor, and of his blessed and holy name, in which ye are gathered.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 11, 2024.

See that Ye Be Full of Fruit
         That they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD.         
         (Isa. 61:3)

  Therefore ye, who are plants of his planting, his trees of righteousness, see that every tree be full of fruit.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 12, 2024.

He Rules In Our Hearts
         For he is our peace.         
         (Eph. 2:14)

  We believe that He alone is our Redeemer and Saviour, even the captain of our salvation, who saves us from sin, as well as from hell and the wrath to come....Christ Jesus, the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last.... And He rules in our hearts by His law of love and life... He is our Mediator, that makes peace and reconciliation between God offended and us offending.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 13, 2024.

Hear the Son In All Things
         That in all things he might have the preeminence.         
         (Col. 1:18)

  Therefore, the Son of God is to be heard in all things, who is the Saviour and the Redeemer; who hath laid down his life, and bought his sheep with his precious blood. We can challenge all the world. Who hath any thing to say against our way? our Saviour? our Redeemer?
  (George Fox)

Second Month 14, 2024.

Kept Fresh and Green
         For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river...her leaf shall be green.         
         (Jer. 17:8)

  The eternal Sun of righteousness... This Sun never goes down, and the heavenly springs of life and showers are known to water and nourish the grafts, plants, and buds, that they may always be kept fresh and green, and never wither; bringing forth fresh, green, and living fruit, which is offered up to the living God, who is glorified in that you bear much fruit.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 15, 2024.

Stand Up For God's Glory
         For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same my name shall be great.         
         (Mal. 1:11)

  Stand up for God's glory, and mind that which concerns the Lord's honor, that in no wise his power may be abused, nor his name evil spoken of...but that in all things God may be honored, and ye may glorify Him in your bodies, souls, and spirits, the little time ye have to live.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 16, 2024.

That He May Reign In Your Hearts
         A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you.         
         (Acts 3:22)

  He is your Prophet, to open to you the fulfilling of the promises and prophecies, himself being the substance; that ye may live in Him, and He in you, yea, and reign in your hearts.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 17, 2024.

Keep Your Vineyards Clean
         They made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept.         
         (Song of Solomon 1:6)

  The Spirit of God will weed out all thorns, thistles, and nettles out of the vineyard of the heart. And you that are keepers of others' vineyards, see that you keep your own vineyards clean with the spirit and power of Christ.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 18, 2024.

Walking In Peaceable Truth
         Behold, I send you forth as lambs.         
         (Luke 10:3)

  And now, dear friends and brethren, though these waves, storms, and tempests be in the world, yet you may all appear the harmless and innocent lambs of Christ walking in his peaceable truth, and keeping in the word of power, wisdom, and patience.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 19, 2024.

Always Good News
         Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.         
         (Col. 3:2)

  It was now a time of much talk, and people too much busied their minds, and spent their time, in hearing and telling news.. . In the low regions all news is uncertain; there is nothing stable; but in the higher region, in the kingdom of Christ, all things are stable and sure, and the news always good and certain.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 20, 2024.

Live In the Sense of His Mercies
         It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.         
         (Lam. 3:22)

  Let none forget the Lord's mercies and kindnesses, which endure for ever: but always live in the sense of them.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 21, 2024.

Let Nothing Between
         As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him.         
         (Col. 2:6)

  Christ the Seed reigns, and His power is over all; who bruises the serpent's head, and destroys the devil and his works, and was before he was. So all of you live and walk in Christ Jesus; that nothing may be between you and God, but Christ, in whom ye have salvation, life, rest, and peace with God.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 22, 2024.

No Slight Esteem of the Scriptures
         I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food.         
         (Job 23:12)

  Yet I had no slight esteem of the Holy Scriptures, they were very precious to me; for I was in that spirit by which they were given forth; and what the Lord opened in me, I afterwards found was agreeable to them.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 23, 2024.

Do Good Unto All
         And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others?.         
         (Matt. 5:47)

  Some said Friends loved none but themselves. Fox replied: We love all men and women, simply as they are men and women, and as they are God's workmanship, and so as brethren and children of Adam and Eve by generation... We love them all as they come to be the sons of God by adoption, and can say, Abba, Father, in the heavenly brotherly fellowship, and we are commanded to do good unto all, especially to the household of faith...
  (George Fox)

Second Month 24, 2024.

All Men Must Be Prayed For
         I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men.         
         (I Timothy 2:1)

  So here in their prayers, and supplications they are to make no sect, but that all men must be prayed for.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 25, 2024.

Only Talk of the Blood Will Do Little Good
         What shall we say then? shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid.         
         (Romans 6:1-2)

  .... There may be a talking of the blood of Christ, and yet a pleading for the body of sin and death, and imperfection to the grave; so that only talking of the blood of Christ will do them but little good.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 26, 2024.

Strength is Renewed
         But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength.         
         (Isa. 40:31)

  Keep to that of God in you, which will lead you up to God, when you are still from your own thoughts and imaginations, and desires and counsels of your own hearts, and motions, and will; when you stand single from all these, waiting upon the Lord, your strength is renewed; he that waits upon the Lord, feels his shepherd, and he shall not want...
  (George Fox)

Second Month 27, 2024.

Then You Shall Know Christ
         Christ in you, the hope of glory .         
         (Col. 1:27)

  The pearl is hid in the field and the field is the world, and the world is in your hearts, and there you must dig deep to find it; and when you have digged deep and found it, you must sell all to purchase and redeem this field, and there you shall know the merchantman that makes the exchange, and there you shall know Christ, in you the hope of glory, to save you, and redeem you, the Immanuel God with us.
  (George Fox)

Second Month 28, 2024.

Walk In the Steps of Faith
         This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.         
         (I Jn. 5:4)

  The faith heals, being obedient to it, and the true church is established in the faith that gives victory, and access to God through the righteousness of faith...and by faith are we saved, and faith remains, and we are satisfied, and come to walk in the steps of faith, having the word of faith in the heart and mouth to obey and to do it....
  (George Fox)

Second Month 29, 2024.

Here Grace Grows
         Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.         
         (II Peter 3:18)

  ....for the first step of peace is to stand still in the light (which discovers things contrary to it) for power and strength to stand against that nature which the light discovers: here grace grows...
  (George Fox)

Compiled by Gary Bowell

Copyright 1989 by Gary Bowell

All Rights Reserved