Mind the Heavenly Treasure

Thoughts for each day from the Scriptures and the eight volumes of the writings of George Fox

Eighth Month 4, 2024.

Through Christ You Overcome
         In all these things we are more than conquerors.         
         (Romans 8:37)

  And so it is through Him [Christ] you overcome, and he that overcomes shall go no more forth out of His fold, out of His pastures, who shall sit down in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, who is your priest, that offered up Himself for you, and sacrifices for you, and makes you holy and clean, that He may present you blameless up to the holy and pure God; and here you come to witness and know him in His offices.
  (George Fox)

Compiled by Gary Bowell

Copyright 1989 by Gary Bowell

All Rights Reserved