Mind the Heavenly Treasure

Thoughts for each day from the Scriptures and the eight volumes of the writings of George Fox

Sixth Month 5, 2024.

Overcoming This Side of the Grave
         That we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world.         
         (Titus 2:12)

  And if there be no overcoming on this side of the grave, as the world's preachers, made of men, say, then there is no true believing on this side of the grave; and therefore the world is not overcome in them: For this belief is greater than he that is of the world, which overcomes him that would defile; for this belief is Christ, which passes from death to life, it takes away the root of sin and iniquity.
  (George Fox)

Compiled by Gary Bowell

Copyright 1989 by Gary Bowell

All Rights Reserved