Mind the Heavenly Treasure

Thoughts for each day from the Scriptures and the eight volumes of the writings of George Fox

Tenth Month 18, 2024.

In Him Are True Riches
         As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich.         
         (II Corinthians 6:10)

  ...the word of God is not bound, neither can they bind the word of God; it is at liberty, it abides and endures for ever; it will make you all rich, though they think to make you poor with their bonds, and cast you into prisons, but I tell you, the word of God will make you rich... In Christ you have heavenly peace, that none can take away from you: in Him dwell and live.
  (George Fox)

Compiled by Gary Bowell

Copyright 1989 by Gary Bowell

All Rights Reserved