Mind the Heavenly Treasure

Thoughts for each day from the Scriptures and the eight volumes of the writings of George Fox

Eleventh Month 10, 2024.

The True Subjects of Christ
         Learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart.         
         (Matthew 11:29)

  Therefore learn of Christ, who is meek and low in heart: for He rules in the hearts of the humble, who is king, priest, and prophet, and a shepherd to feed them, and a bishop to oversee them, and an Everlasting Father, who begets man and woman up into the image of God, and an Everlasting Prince of peace, and so all that are in true humility, are the true subjects of Christ.
  (George Fox)

Compiled by Gary Bowell

Copyright 1989 by Gary Bowell

All Rights Reserved