Traveling in the Ministry

Throughout Quaker history, Friends traveling in the ministry held Quakerism together. In earlier years, recorded ministers and other Friends would leave families, farms and businesses behind to share spiritual messages from God in distant locations. While the practice has diminished in contemporary times, it has not altogether vanished.

David Johnson is an Australian Friend who finds himself with a strong leading to travel among us and remind us of the strength of early Friends messages. Some of his travels echo those of earlier years, where he shares worship with different Meetings and speaks when he is given something. But his schedule also includes more formal talks, sharing and leading discussions. This is to publish a general timetable of David’s traveling ministry.

 Seventh Month
        • 7th through 9th: Traveling and visiting around San Francisco.
        • 10th through 14th: Attending North Carolina Yearly Meeting, Conservative at Guilford College NC.
        • 11th North Carolina Yearly Meeting. 4:45PM: Leading Interest Group on Early Spirituality.
        • 16th Talk at Rocktown History (Virginia)
        • 17th: Rockingham Friends Meeting (Virginia) Worship
        • 19th: Charlottesville Friends Meeting (Virginia) 4:00 PM Potluck and talk
        • 21st: Adelphi Friends Meeting (Maryland). 10:00 AM Worship, and afternoon talk
        • 27th: Keystone Fellowship Friends Meeting: Worship and discussion
        • 28th: Marlborough Friends Meeting: Worship 11:00, Potluck Lunch 12:15, Sharing and Discussion on Light in the Conscience 2:00.
        • 31st Attending midweek meeting 10:00 AM at Swarthmore Friends Meeting
Eighth Month:
        1st Attending midweek meeting 7:00 PM at Kennett Friends Meeting.
        4th Attending worship at Marlborough Friends Meeting, followed by (bring thy own) bag lunch and presentation of the Quaker meetinghouse architecture by Seth Hinshaw.  This will include a trip to the Old Kennett Meetinghouse.
        6th through 10th: Attending Ohio Yearly Meeting, Conservative at Barnesville OH.
        • 9th: Ohio Yearly Meeting 7:30 PM Talk: Early Quaker Spirituality: Regeneration - God visits a Receptive Heart
        • 11th: Stillwater Friends Meeting (Ohio) and Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting (Ohio): Worship.
        • 14th: Salem Quarterly Meeting at the Salem-Upper Springfield meetinghouse (Ohio) 6:30 PM.  Worship & discussion of extract from writings of Joan Vokins.  Refreshments afterward.
        • 18th: San Francisco Meeting,  Worship 11.00 am, Second Hour study circle.
        • 23rd: Bridge City Meeting, (Portland, Oregon) Spiritual Condition 4.00-9.00pm
        • 25th: West Hills Friends Church, (Portland, Oregon) Worship 10.00am
Ninth Month:
        • 1st: Sacramento Friends Meeting, Worship 10.00am

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